“Ask and it shall be given you; seek and ye shall find; knock and the door shall be opened unto you.” Matthew 7:7
The Center for Christian Counseling, Consultation and Training, Inc. was founded and incorporated in 1981. It is a State of Wisconsin certified outpatient psychotherapy clinic that is founded on Christian Values. It was established in response to demand in the Madison area for skilled therapists whose beliefs and techniques are consistent with Biblical truths. The staff at the Center combine competence in understanding human relationships with a willingness to call upon the power of God to heal people’s hurt, while bringing personal growth in the process. We are committed to providing the highest quality of care to those seeking our services.
Ask for a counselor that understands you; seek a place of refuge where you feel comforted and safe; knock on the door of the Center for Christian Counseling and you will be admitted to a place where you can receive the help you have asked God to give you.

Our Beliefs
1. We, the staff of The Center for Christian Counseling, Consultation and Training, are committed to Jesus Christ as the center of our lives and the foundation of our work.
2. We believe in the Triune God: God the Father and Creator of all that exists; Jesus Christ the Son of God, who as God in human form lived in history, died and came to life again; and God the Holy Spirit, active in our world today, and living in believers in Christ.
3. We believe that the Bible is the true word of God and the authoritative guide to Christian faith and practice; it is relevant in all ages, and that biblical teachings speak to both individuals and societies.
4. We believe that all people need relief from personal, moral guilt because of sin and that this salvation comes only by grace, through faith in the person and work of Jesus Christ.
5. We seek to apply God’s truth to the work of bringing healing and reconciliation to persons and relationships by affirming 1) God’s love for all people; 2) the inherent worth of every person as a special creation of God, made in his image; and 3) the applicability of Biblical principles as a guide to right relationships.