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" I very much felt the group was very effective, had a wealth of knowledge and liked how the materials were communicated!" -Referring to Life Skills Workshop



 "I really was glad I was encouraged to take this class by our counselor, family and friends." -Referring to Life Skills Workshop



 "It is helpful to hear that other parents are struggling with the same things. It is helpful to hear what other parents are trying and what works." -Referring to Life Skills Workshop






Testimonials- Workshops



We have been providing Christian Counseling in Madison, WI  since 1981 and are accredited and approved as: 
A State of Wisconsin Certified Outpatient Mental Health Clinic 
  A State of Wisc
onsin Certified Outpatient Drug & Alcohol Clinic

A Dane County Approved Intoxicated Driver Program Provider

Quality Christ - Centered Care

4868 High Crossing Boulevard
Madison, WI 53704

825 Lexington Blvd Suite 1B
Fort Atkinson, WI 53538

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